Convince your parents to allow you to play basketball overseas

Convincing your parents to allow you to go overseas to play basketball

I want to address a misconception some people might have with this article by formally stating that this isn’t only relevant to those interested in playing college basketball. This article is relevant for anyone wanting to play basketball overseas. Chances are pretty high that most parents will be very apprehensive if their child expresses their interest in going overseas to play basketball. Mine were! So let me give you a little advice in handling old school parents and getting them on board with your dream.

My experience

I remember when I wanted to go play college basketball in USA. I told my parents that I was going to leave uni for a year work part time and train. My parents were not impressed at all. I had shamed the family and my Dad was in hysterics.

I went about this the wrong way. I took the path of disobedience and did what I wanted to do but I soon realised the best way was to explain to them what this (my dream of playing college basketball) really meant. Closer to my departure date to the states I took my parents through my whole plan. They were reserved, but were won over and the proceeding years of travelling and playing basketball became easier.

Parents are just concerned

First step to getting your parents on side is to acknowledge that they care about your future. Unfortunately parents think it is far more secure to get into the normal cookie cutter life that is safe. In other words, study and get a good education. Get a job, buy a house raise a family. Basketball is something that you just fit in. I come from a very Sri Lankan family that culturally think all of what I discussed here and some. Nope, sorry. This just doesn’t float with me.

But at the end of the day you need to do what makes you happy. You have such a limited time to play basketball at a high level and it will be over in a blink of an eye. For me basketball has provided me with the greatest moments of my life thus far so if you feel the same, here are some tips to get your parents over the line.

Plan your trip

Before speaking to your parents about anything travel or basketball related make sure you have an airtight plan. I understand you can’t plan everything but one thing that is easy to plan is the places you will visit. Create an itinerary of the trip listing the hotels/ hostels you will be staying at including the contact number. Keep the parents from worrying about you; this way they will know that you can be contacted at anytime.

Always and I mean always, have more than one avenue of communication. For example, phone and email. Provide your parents with all your contact details Skype, Viber, email address and mobile phone number. I recommend every traveller travel with a mobile phone. Sim cards can be purchased at the destination country so you have no excuse. Having a mobile phone makes everything convenient. Smart phones make it easy with map functions to find your way and the fact that you have a number for emergency situations is a massive bonus in itself.

Communicate the back up plan if things do not work out

Parents that worry about you going to play basketball are more so scared that you are throwing your life away. To ease their concern you come up with a back up plan. Even if you are a super confident basketball player that believes that you are destined for the big leagues. Just come up with a back up plan.

Mum, Dad I know you are concerned with me going overseas and playing basketball but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I want to take. If I am unsuccessful I will return to school/ work and pick up where I left off.

By reassuring them that you will/ can return to their definition of a normal life will get them some reassurance. At this point it is best to discuss your plans by bringing out your itinerary and going over it in depth.

Stick to your promises

If you make compromises or promise to your parents about your plans, please stick to them. Over communicate by calling or emailing them. This will go a long way, especially if you plan on extending your trip or going on to travel and play basketball. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, parents worry. Take that away from them and eventually you will build confidence with them.

At the end of the day there are hundreds of ways to approach your parents if you want to play basketball overseas. You are the only expert on your parents but what I have discussed I have given as advice to a few of my friends. It has been a great success! I even convinced my friends mum who is a single parent to let her son go and play basketball in USA and Philippines.

If you are having issues winning your parents over let me know. Comment below and I will talk you though this process. If you have a friend or group of friends you know that are having a similar issue please share this with them.

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